Sunday's Sermon:

The doors to the sanctuary are open on Monday nights from 7-8pm. This is available for anyone that needs prayer or for those who feel led by the Spirit to pray for others. This is treated like an open house. Stay as short or as long as you need.
This is available to ANYONE and EVERYONE, no matter where your relationship is with God or whether you attend CSCC. He wants to hear from you and we want to provide the opportunity and atmosphere for you to do that.
Not sure what to pray for? We receive numerous amounts of prayer requests each week. Specific prayers will be announced throughout the service.
Need someone to pray over you? This will be available. Pastor Jeff Lemire and other church elders will be there to pray, listen and comfort those in need. We look forward to seeing you Monday nights!
If there happens to be any personal Prayer Requests you may email the church instead. Please feel free to email us any time! We do check the email daily so your request will definitely be added to the list.
[email protected]